
Showing posts from November, 2019

Hour of Code - December 9-15

“The 'Hour of Code™' is a nationwide initiative by Computer Science Education Week [ ] and [ ] to introduce millions of students to one hour of computer science and comp uter programming.” During the week of December 9-15 , schools all over the world will be devoting at least 1 hour for students to problem solve, critically think and use their creative skills...building 21st Century foundational skills.  Here is a great graphic telling WHY coding is important for every student, Kindergarten through 12th grade. We recently worked with elementary level principals introducing them to Scratch  -  and Ozobots . We chose the activity "Code with Anna and Elsa" to explore the concept of angles in math. We designed a storytelling literacy activity with the Ozobots. Debriefing after the activity, Principals' conversations revolved around almost every single one of these reasons coding is critical for our students that are listed in...
I love❤ these two new features in Google Drive, the new Priority homepage and Workspaces. Google is always adding things to increase your productivity.  I am always accessing the same files over and over again, so much so, I have bookmarked them. Unfortunately, the more I bookmark file the less screen real-estate I have in my Bookmark bar.  In swoops Google Priority homepage and Workspaces to the rescue. Through machine learning, Google will list files on a new Priority homepage.  The files listed are presented in a carousel and the files presented here on the Priority homepage are files that have been recently edited, commented on or have had a share request.  You will see a preview of the file and what action has taken place on that file. This saves time on searching and locating files that are used by you in your My Drive or a Shared Drive you are a member of for quick access. Google Priority is great but Workspaces is even better.  Drive will autom...