R2 Film Festival

Get your cameras ready or grab your phone and start recording that video. The Richland Two Film Festival gives students and faculty an opportunity to tell their story through video creation. The deadline is fast approaching and we need you to sign up today!

Film Festival

Here's what you need to do in order to become a part of this awesome experience.

  1. Fill out the interest form by Friday, December 21, 2018. *Look for the Google Classroom code to sign up in our collaborative class.
  2. Print the Parent Permission form and send it to Nichole Allmann - DO-R2I2.
  3. Join the Google Classroom using the code that was provided to you after submitting the interest form.
  4. Review the timeline and guidelines to familiarize yourself for a successful video. 
All videos must be submitted by January 22, 2019. For more information, please visit the website, r2filmfestival.blogspot.com


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