Google Classroom 2018 updates

Google does a great job of responding to feedback on its apps and regularly updating platforms to reflect user requests.  This fall, Google redesigned some key features of Google Classroom, a commonly used learning management tool in our district.  This blog post will provide the reader with some resources highlighting the major changes to Google Classroom as well as highlight some tried and true tips for distributing and collecting work using the tool.  

Key feature updates, as outlined in Google’s blog, are as follows:

New Classwork page—Teachers and students have a new Classwork page. Teachers can post assignments and questions on the page, as well as group them into modules with the topics feature.  This means that the stream page is the best place for announcements and posts that are not related to a specific assignment. Teachers and students will likely spend most of their time in the classwork tab.

  • New grading tool in Classroom—Teachers have a new grading tool where they can switch between grades, student submissions, and comments while grading and save common feedback in a comment bank to use later.  This streamlined approach saves the teacher time.

  • New People page—Teachers can view class member information on the People page. Teachers can also invite and remove students, co-teachers, and guardians on the page.
  • New Settings page—Teachers can edit the class description, change the class code, manage guardian summaries, and control Stream settings on a consolidated Settings page.
  • See updates—Teachers and students can see updated labels (assigned, turned in, graded) for the status of a student’s work.

More resources:

Eric Curts, our SC Midlands Summit fan favorite, has written a comprehensive and clear overview of key changes.

Alice Keeler has a great 20-step checklist for getting started with the new Google Classroom.  She is also a great source for maximizing the use of GSuite in creative ways.  Bookmark her blog to discover new and different ways to use Google Slides, Drawings, and more across content areas.  Here are 32 videos Alice created to get you started with the New Google Classroom.


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